Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Next New Thing

I new media technology that would be very interesting to create is incorporating virtual reality with some sort of social network. For instance, imagine being able to visual have the person that you are taking to in Facebook or some other social network right in front of you. Almost like a virtual reality 3D version of the person your taking to. Its like having the person in the same environment as you. This technology would enhance the social networks, allowing people to visually see who they're talking to with the person in front of them. This can create amazing interaction between people. This can allows more intimate interactions between people by seeing each other. This would be a very cool technology.

Advanced to Brooklyn College

New media is strongly incorporating its way into the all aspects of life. It has many uses and is a valuable tool for information. For many colleges it can serve as a tool for information to events, scheduling, important reminders, and various other useful tactic to find out information and communicate with others. For Brooklyn College social sites like twitter and Facebook can help promote school events and also be useful to display important reminders and due dates. Social networks can be also used as a tool for students and professors to communicate with one another without solely relying on e-mails and office hours. Incorporating social networking within the Brooklyn College community can allow for better communication between students and the school. It can further promote Brooklyn College and portray what the campus has to offer to prospective students. Another way new media can help Brooklyn College is by creating a site for Q&A's. Allowing students to prompt questions to specific departments and receive a quick and accurate response from a faculty member who can assist the student with there inquiry. This will allow for better service to retrieve information without always having to make time to visit offices to obtain information.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds like many new technologies are becoming more mainstream. In an article by the, it explains how businesses are using virtual world technologies to conduct meetings and interviews with others without being in the same conference room. Virtual worlds can have many different uses. For businesses as explained in the Washingtonpost article, it allows people to interact with one another without actually being in the same place. Gaming is another use for virtual worlds to create fun interaction between people. There are a few virtual worlds that are used for gaming and socializing like Second Life. This new form of interaction can have many great uses for people to communicate with each other. The downside with virtual worlds is that it may cause people to lose touch of reality. With gaming people can become addicted to virtual worlds, losing sight of whats real. Another con of virtual worlds is depending to much on the technology taking away from actual face to face interaction and bonding. Virtual worlds are still interesting in the creativity it fosters. Allowing people to interact with one another without even being in the same room is intriguing. It creates worlds for people to become something else or some else living out fantasies are and having fun. In the future people may actual have a virtual life that they may actual live through, to complete daily activities. The future for virtual worlds is bright and with advancement in technologies can become a huge phenomenon.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs are a form of new media which acts as journal or diaries that can be produced over the web. People spew their ideas of various topics through blogs, where then others can view their thoughts post comments on a persons thoughts. They serve as an outlet to be expressive. Blogs are seemingly fading due to the sudden uprise of social networks like FaceBook and twitter. Wikis allows for the creation and editing of vairous interlinked web pages through the web. It uses markup lanuage to allow people to calloborate on different works. The most popular wiki forum is Wikipedia, which allows people to colloborate and produce information on many different topics and theories. The importance of both allows people to share information and colloborate with one another. It allows poeple to come togther and express ideas on certain topics and views, and problems that may be solved. A great way to ttake advantage of wikis is producing a website in which people can colloborate to solve polical issues in the country and use the wikis to help solve the problem.

Old vs. New

Old media outlets are newspapers and radio broadcasts, whereas new medial outlets are webcams, smartphone transmissions, social networks, ext. They differ in the type of technologies and reach. Old media uses less technological networks to communicate. New media is produce through the new technological advancements of the world. The craze of social networking is due to the vast cababilites of the internet. New media is a continous evolving aspect that grows with advancement in techonolgy. New media can be identified as any media created in the new millennium which uses the internet as a main aspect for communicating. Old media can be identified as print media or radio braodcast, which have been vastly used through out the mid part of the century.

Describe New Media

New media is a term used to describe electronic forms of communication. Types of new media outlets are; e-mails, social networks(facebook,myspace,twitter, ext.), webcams, cellular phones(smart phones), and many other technologies. These differ from the basic old media like news papers or radio, because the use of more technology. The old media outlets reach was more limited compare to the new media outlets. The reach reach of new media technologies is global and allows people to communicate all over the world.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What is New Media?

New media can be defined as any media that can be transferred through digital techniques and technological computing system or data networks. New media can be consider as texting, twitter, facebook/myspace, blogs, and many other social networks allowing people to communicate more rapidly and efficiently. In the 20th century the phrase has been heavily adopted. Accessing information and streaming videos is easier with new technologies. The Internet has made new media more efficient and makes it more resourceful. New media has enhanced old media (television,radio,newspapers) , by allowing the old media to interact over the web. Old media is being incorporated with new media allowing it to be improved.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Hello professor and classmates. My name is Omar Small and I am a business finance major with a minor in business law. I will be graduating in June of this year and will be starting an entry level job at Countrywide Insurance on Wall St. I plan to move up the corporate ladder in the company and become knowledgeable in the business area.